Our Mission is to make palm tree farmer's life easy with technology

When IoT engineers

Palmnex was founded and developed by a team of engineers specialized in smart grids, internet of things and telecommunications technology for public lighting.

They worked for decades in telecommunications, building the foundations of the IoT sector that is now surrounding us everywhere.

meet Agricultural Specialists

This team of engineers met in 2016 with a group of agricultural scientists from Morocco, reputed palm specialists.

They started to work together, studying for years the Red Palm Weevil behavior and developing carefully an affordable, accurate and well designed technology to detect them.

And focus on Sustainable Development

From this prodigal collaboration emerged the palmnex project, and his team, dedicated to empower palm trees farmers of the world with sustainable and smart technology.

Indeed, as scientist, we are well aware of the 21’s century global risks. The climate change and the energy crisis force us to reconsider the fondations of our production systems. We believe that a wise and innovative use of technology can drive us toward a more sustainable development for all.



Implementation of palmnex

+336 95096107
Is Palmnex available in my country?

Palmnex is available in all the countries concerned by the RPW threat. We are currently developing a network of distributors worldwide that we will soon display on our website. Please contact us if you want to become a distributor.

How much does it cost?

Please contact us for pricing information.

Will I get support for installation?

Each installation is different and require the supervision and intervention of your country distributor. 

Which kind of palm trees the system can handle?

Palmnex is especially suited for date palm trees and decorative palm trees.

You want to know more?

Client, prospect, distributor, investor, partner..., please leave your contact details and we’ll get back to you
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